Monday, October 11, 2010


Every Wednesday I volunteer at Wistariahurst Museum. It's only about a mile from my house so I almost always bike there (the only times I don't are when I'm running incredibly late or it's raining). Last week as you know was horribly rainy here so since we had an interlude of sunshine on Wednesday I wanted to take full advantage of it by doing my errands by bike.

On my way home from the museum I stopped to put up my feet and people-watch in a park.
One of the things I love about my city is that there are little parks tucked into neighborhoods all over the place. Holyoke has rich history and it makes me sad to see how it's deteriorated over the years. People have these negative views of it and think of it as a bad or dangerous place to live, but I can think of 5 parks off the top of my head that are within a mile of my house. I've only been living here for just over a year, but I love it so far.

The leaves here are starting to change. I've been having a great time riding ever so slightly out of my way to run over the crunchy leaves in the gutters. That's something you don't get when you're driving. Crunch! Crunch crunch!
But despite the turn towards colder fall weather, I still have blossoms on my rose bush!