Sunday, November 6, 2011

Here comes the cold again

Here in Western Massachusetts it's gotten cold lately. We got hit hard with a crazy storm the night before Halloween and many people in the area are still without power. Seeing a foot of snow on the ground in October has made me miss nice warm bike weather even more (especially since today on my ride to the Dam Cafe I had to wear gloves and the wind left my eyes watering) so I'm going to reminisce a bit to this summer.

See this beach set-up?
Two chairs, two towels, two lunches, reading materials (I think I was reading Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake at the time), there paddle-ball in there somewhere, and sunblock and other beach necessities. Well this is how it got to the beach:

Chair backpacks and bike racks! So incredibly useful.
My aunt has a house about 5 miles from the beach. Free parking when you're on a bike! (Otherwise it's $10 - and that's if you can find a spot!) By the time we got there we were dying to get in the water and cool off from that hot ride.

So, what am I reading now? Well, unfortunately I'm so busy with grad school and two jobs that I'm not reading very much, but I'm slowly working my way through E.M. Forsters's A Room With a View. I've read A Passage to India, but that was as part of a course during my undergrad and I had guidance. I don't really know how to approach this text. There's something about the way people have conversations in it that leaves me utterly confused about what is happening. Is it the way people talked during that time period or is it Forster's writing style that's throwing me off? I'm about 60 pages from the end, so I'll be sure to put up a review on my Shelfari page when I finish.