Friday, July 15, 2011

Four Around the Fourth

The president of my running club has a race timing business, and every so often I'll work a race with him - getting runners into the database and entering bib numbers in to match up with places. Northampton has a race near the 4th of July called "Four Around the Fourth." It's a 4-mile race through downtown Northampton, where you're much more likely to see people on bikes than in my town, even though it's only about 8 miles away. Saw this woman with a pile of leafy greens in her panniers and on her back rack:
Go runners! Finish strong!

Spotted this woman with her adorable daughter and her adorable dog in the basket! I had to snap a picture.

Turns out she was there to cheer on her husband, who was running the four-miler! They chatted with other runners at the finish (where there was also a delicious pancake breakfast.) I was so thrilled to see such a happy bikey family. Plus look at all the cargo on the husband's bike - possibly an Xtracycle? But it also had a second set of handlebars behind the seat, I'm assuming for a kid to hang on?

And I forced myself to get up at 5:30 am to give myself enough time to bike the 9.5 miles from my house to the race. The weather for it was perfect.

See you next time!

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