Sunday, April 17, 2011

Some people have class.

I'm currently taking grad school courses on Saturdays. One is online half the time, so I usually do that class from home in the morning and then drive in to school after lunch. Last week, though, was one of our few face-to-face classes for my morning class, and it was a beautiful day, so I decided to try biking to school for the first time.

But here's the thing: to get to my school, I have to cross a river, and there are only 2 bridges I can take unless I want to ride like 12 miles out of the way, which is not happening. One bridge is in a bad part of town (although during the day it's usually fine), and the other leads to a busy rotary/roundabout that doesn't feel safe.

I decided to take the rotary, since I know my way around in that part of town better, only to be confronted with this:
I know it's a little hard to see, but that sign is showing "no pedestrians, no bikes, no horses" basically. Oops. I took that way anyway and made it to school fine, but I knew I couldn't go back that way, so I rode home through the bad part of town known as "the flats". And of course I got lost. Thank goodness for brothers, though - I called my brother and he looked up a the route I needed to take to get home. I didn't encounter any trouble in the flats.

Funnily enough, it was when I was almost home that a guy yelled out his car window at me "It's called a sidewalk, a**hole!" On a road that has a designated bike lane. Sigh. Some people just don't have class.

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